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Cinema & Films

The Wasteland Watchlist: Transformers Rise of the Beasts (2023)

There are just SO many films out there! You see two to three wide releases on a weekend with a handful more in limited release. Throw out at least a dozen more on VOD or streaming and now you have an overload on content. But we only have so many hours in the day and we must be thoughtful towards what we dedicate that precious free time to. That is the point of this series of articles giving you specific reasons why you should run out to your nearest multiplex, drive to search for that limited release, drop some money in the virtual cinema, or to surf those streaming services. Here on The Wasteland Watchlist, you will find some reasons to check out the latest and greatest of films including…Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (theaters June 9th)

Directed by: Steven Caple Jr.
Starring: Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback, Peter Cullen, Ron Perlman, Michelle Yeoh, Pete Davidson, Colman Domingo

The Action

What is the most important thing when it comes to Transformers movies? The action. With so much money put into them, they need to make the most of the big robot battles on screen. This film has big stakes with the likes of Unicron trying to devour our world. There is an epic final battle with impressive one-shot takes, endless cannon fodder for our Autobots and Maximals to battle, and some real stakes. There are some impressive chases throughout the film as well (especially on the side of a Peruvian mountain). There are even some unexpected moments that bring some unique twists in the final battle which we haven’t seen in Transformers movies before.

Human Drama

What is the biggest challenge when it comes to films with big CGI protagonists? Trying to add some meaningful drama that will share the screen with the big battles and explosions. There are some great strides in the depth brought to the human characters this time around. Noah is a young man with heavy familial responsibilities and a world that won’t take a chance on him. His destiny to make a real difference finally delivers itself on a silver platter. A giant entity coming to Earth to devour it? That is the perfect time to show his worth and his bravery. We get invested in Noah’s journey. We can also connect with the uphill battle that Elena must tackle as well. No one will give her a chance at her passion and this journey gives her the chance to do that.

Voice Cast

Who would have thought that Davidson would be a quality addition to Transformers? He is endearing, funny, and driven. He doesn’t know when to give up and Davidson embodies that mindset so well. Cullen can bring a darker and more intense edge to Optimus Prime which is quite exciting (and you can see how much he is living it up). Dinklage is a dark and intimidating presence as he wreaks havoc on the Autobots and Maximals. Perlman is a powerful and regal presence as the new standout, Optimus Primal. Yeoh is great as well as the other standout from this new crew.


Is he still the franchise standout? Of course! He might get sidelined for a decent chunk of the second act, but he makes a splash when he is there. His penchant for movie quotes is so much fun (and incredibly relatable to me). He has perfect timing with the songs he utilizes as well. But his star truly rises once we get to the third act and see what he is capable of. The screen time is low, but the quality is there.


Will you laugh along the way with this big Transformers adventure? For sure! Ramos has his moments and so does Fishback with their leading roles. Davidson is quite funny while balancing his charming and endearing presence. There is one comic relief character who steals the screen and delivers plenty of fun (thank you Tobe Nwigwe). There is some rock-solid comedy writing from this big crew of writers which just adds a nice flair to this top-tier Transformers offering. 

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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