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The Wasteland Watchlist: Werewolf by Night Movie Review (2022)

Where do horror films start for so many people?

Universal horror films. Sure, there are cinephiles out there who dove into the German Expressionism of the 1920s but for so many, it was Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Wolfman which changed everything for everyone. These “Universal Monsters” became some of the most iconic characters in all of cinema. Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi were some of the biggest stars in the world of cinema. The black-and-white aesthetic is striking and engrossing, and the crazy fantasy and science fiction tales bring things that have become the groundwork for so much in the world of cinema. 

Who is the latest to show their influence from these horror films?

Surprisingly, Marvel Studios. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has often been criticized for its specific formula that most people can predict from start to finish. Their “Phase Four” has probably been their most divisive and varied approach to storytelling. There have been classic sitcoms, rom-coms, and horror stories done by these creators which set the stage for their first-ever “Special”. The Halloween season is here and Marvel and Disney+ have offered up the audience a special horror monster story. 

But what is the tale that Werewolf by Night offers up?

After the death of Ulysses Bloodstone (a classic Marvel Comics character), a group of hunters is brought to compete in a monster hunt. The winner? They get the Bloodstone (the latest powerful artifact introduced to the MCU). They are released in a crazy maze and the fun begins! This haunting tale weaves together a strange collection of characters including a monstrous Scotsman (portrayed by Muppet puppeteer Kirk R. Thatcher) and a slender and striking being (Eugenie Bondurant). But we attach to a pair of unlikely characters. 

Can the core trio of characters carry this spooky little flick?

Gael Garcia Bernal is a young and feeble man who is shockingly the most dangerous of all the monster hunters. Bernal’s Jack Russell is quite tender and full of surprises in this story. As the film progresses and we reach our titular reveal, Bernal is a great anchor for the film. But Jack is not the strongest character that steals the show. Elsa Bloodstone (the daughter of our deceased) is the one that shows great resolve and resourcefulness as she goes toe-to-toe with these more experienced and renowned warriors. Laure Donnelly makes an immediate impression, and we can all hope that her powerful presence and strength become a fixture of future projects. Then you have veteran actress Harriet Sansom Harris who brings a vengeful and fear-inducing presence of the antagonistic Verussa. Her physicality sells some great scenes including the climactic confrontation with our titular lycanthrope.

What is the real selling point for this Marvel Halloween Special?

This homage to Universal horror is rendered in a striking black-and-white approach with some dynamic and unnerving camera work.

The incredible direction. The shocking fact that acclaimed composer Michael Giacchino took the reins is just icing on the cake. The action is well shot and there are some great choices to hang on shots that only allude to the horrors going on.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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