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Cinema & Films

Hereditary: A Masterpiece of Psychological Horror

In the realm of horror cinema, there are only a few films that transcend the genre and leave an indelible mark on viewers. Ari Aster’s debut feature film, “Hereditary,” released in 2018, stands tall among those exceptional works. This eerie masterpiece delves into the depths of grief, loss, and the disintegration of a family, all while skillfully crafting an atmosphere of dread and unease. With its masterful direction, haunting performances, and intricate narrative, “Hereditary” offers a chilling and deeply unsettling experience that elevates it to the ranks of cinematic greatness.

The Enigmatic Narrative

At its core, “Hereditary” is a psychological horror film that lures the audience into a labyrinth of mysteries. The story revolves around the Graham family, led by Annie (Toni Collette), a miniaturist artist coping with the death of her secretive and estranged mother, Ellen. As the film unfolds, the characters’ lives descend into a spiral of psychological turmoil, revealing hidden secrets, inherited malevolence, and a sinister cult that shadows their every move.

Astounding Direction and Visual Craftsmanship

Ari Aster’s directorial prowess shines throughout the film, establishing him as a visionary in the horror genre. His meticulous attention to detail creates an oppressive and claustrophobic atmosphere that permeates every frame. The film’s visuals are hauntingly beautiful, thanks to the exquisite cinematography by Pawel Pogorzelski. From the strikingly composed shots to the use of light and shadow, every visual element enhances the film’s eerie ambiance.

Powerful Performances

The performances in “Hereditary” are nothing short of extraordinary, anchoring the film’s emotional impact. Toni Collette delivers a tour-de-force performance as Annie, navigating the complexities of grief and mental deterioration. She effortlessly portrays a woman torn between her roles as a mother, wife, and daughter, capturing both vulnerability and unbridled terror. Alex Wolff’s portrayal of Peter, Annie’s teenage son, is equally exceptional, showcasing the rawness and vulnerability of his character’s descent into madness.

Unnerving Sound Design and Score

One of the most effective aspects of “Hereditary” is its masterful sound design. From the subtle whispers to bone-chilling noises, the film’s soundscape amplifies the sense of unease. The unnerving score by Colin Stetson adds another layer of tension, heightening the film’s chilling moments and enhancing the overall sense of dread.

Exploring Dark Themes

Beneath its terrifying surface, “Hereditary” explores profound and disturbing themes. The film delves into the destructive nature of family secrets, the inherited trauma that can plague generations, and the agony of loss. It delves into the depths of the human psyche, questioning the fine line between sanity and madness. Through its exploration of these dark themes, “Hereditary” manages to resonate on a deeply emotional and intellectual level.

Subverting Genre Expectations

One of the remarkable aspects of “Hereditary” is its ability to subvert traditional horror tropes. While the film contains moments of shocking violence and supernatural elements, it does not rely on cheap jump scares or clichéd horror conventions. Instead, it builds an atmosphere of dread through slow-burning tension, psychological unease, and unsettling imagery. By defying genre expectations, “Hereditary” establishes itself as a unique and thought-provoking work of art.

“Hereditary” is undeniably a horror masterpiece that transcends its genre boundaries. Ari Aster’s exceptional direction, combined with outstanding performances and a layered narrative, make it an unforgettable cinematic experience. It is a film that invites repeated viewings, revealing new layers of symbolism and

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Ella is a self-entitled film enthusiast who loves watching movies, as well as writing about them. Her favorite types of movies consist of 80s/90s films, anything Old Hollywood, cult classics, and drama. She is also currently a journalist for the Eagle Era. Follow her on Letterboxd @riverpheonix!

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