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Mad Over Movies: Of Scottish Roots and Nashville Dreams

Release date: 12 April 2019 (UK)
Genre: Drama, music
IMDb rating: 7.1
Director: Tom Harper
Cast: Jessie Buckley, Julie Walters, Sophie Okonedo, Jamie Sives, Craig Parkinson, James Harkness

There’s nothing new under the sun so it is fine if you’re not exactly excited with the notion of a film about a down-on-luck artist who is looking for their big break. And “Wild Rose” is exactly that. It tells the story of a young single mother, Rose-Lynn Harlan from Glasgow, Scotland, who dreams of becoming a country music singer in Nashville, Tennessee. But by watching the film you’ll understand why it is not to be ignored in spite of whatever musical film cliches it might have stored.

Directed by Tom Harper and written by Nicole Taylor “Wild Rose” is a heart-warming musical film that oozes that peculiar British charm we all love. The film begins with Rose-Lynn being released from prison after serving a year-long sentence, returning home to her two young children and her mother, Marion. No sooner is she out of prison Rose-Lynn immediately makes it clear that she has not given up on her dream of becoming a country music singer. But just determination isn’t helping her achieve her dream so she starts working as a housekeeper for a wealthy woman, Susannah, who hears Rose-Lynn sing and becomes her biggest supporter. It is from there that Rose-Lynn gets a break of sorts but soon her professional and personal lives clash and trouble begins.

It would be an understatement to say that Jessie Buckley is the heart and soul of the film. Jessie Buckley delivers a breath-taking performance as Rose-Lynn with her fantastic voice delivering ballads both powerful and vulnerable.

I’ll admit that the concept of a person with a full-fledged Scottish accent singing country songs was a little eyebrow rising but my god was I proven so wrong.

In addition to bringing her incredible energy to the film’s musical numbers, Buckley also brings the much-needed emotional complexity to Rose-Lynn that makes us sympathize with her. She’s not winning Mother of the Year but she tries hard to reconnect with her kids and it is also difficult to fault her for wanting to use her extraordinary talents to make it big in Nashville. Rose-Lynn’s struggles with motherhood, responsibilities, class, and identity are beautifully put on screen by Buckley. Her relationship with her mother Marion, played by the wonderful Julie Walters, was another plus point. Walters turns the seemingly one-note realist mother role into a well-rounded character. Marion is not just a disapproving mother, but a woman who has lived a hard life and wants her daughter to be realistic about her future. Their relationship is a central conflict in the film, and Walters brings depth and warmth to her character that is both moving and relatable.

The film shows the struggles of working-class life in Glasgow and the challenges faced by those who want to break out of their circumstances and achieve their dreams. The well-to-do Susannah, played by Sophie Okonedo, who takes a chance on Rose-Lynn comes into play here. Her character is a contrast to Rose-Lynn’s working-class background, but she shares a love of music and a desire to help Rose-Lynn achieve her dreams. The scenes between Okonedo and Buckley, while cliché and expected, are some of the film’s most joyful moments. Something that stuck with me well after the film got over was its third act, more particularly its climax. It certainly took me by surprise because it took a turn I didn’t expect but I welcomed that change and made the ending more emotional and memorable.

Overall, “Wild Rose” is a beautiful film that celebrates the power of dreams and the importance of chasing them, no matter how unlikely they may seem. It’s a film that will resonate with anyone who has ever had a dream and faced obstacles in achieving it. The film’s music and performances make it a must-see for anyone who loves movies that touch the heart and inspire the soul.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

My rating – 8/10

Madeswaran Rengarasu

I'm Madeswaran (or Mads). While I'm not breaking my head over studies I enjoy my free time in the company of movies and TV shows. Check out my Instagram page for more fun recommendations!

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