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The Wasteland Vintage Roadshow: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – Celebrating Golden Anniversary!

What makes a film a timeless classic for kids? Is it a fun and imaginative world brought to life that a child (or adult) can get lost in? Is it a cast of fun and memorable characters who kids can connect with and quote to death (which every parent loves)? Is it a set of catchy tunes that the kids can listen to on an endless loop (something that parents REALLY love)? Or is it a poignant theme that can help guide them in their formative years to grow into better people? These all sound like wonderful elements that can certainly pull together and create a wonderful cinematic experience that can have a lasting impact on its young audiences. Sometimes you just might get all those things in a film. What would happen in that situation? You would get to enjoy a wonderful film for the rest of your life…and you can live happily ever after. But what kind of film can capture such magic? Look no further than this bold and fantastical adaptation of a Roald Dahl classic now celebrating its 50th anniversary. Look no further than…Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

Was Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory a significant part of your childhood?

The timing was perfect as it was a film that came out when my mom was young so she showed it to me too. This would pop up on TV so much that I cannot even tell you how many times that I watched it.

For me, this was a film that I watched ALL the time.

It became one of those films that I could imagine in my head from start to finish. All of the beats feel so fresh in my mind now no matter how sporadically I watch the film. Some of the most iconic cinematic elements of all time come from this young boy’s tale from the incredibly surprising and perfectly fitting entrance of Mr. Wonka himself to the beautiful song that leads us into Wonka’s factory. Watching Gene Wilder (an actor I appreciate so much more now as an adult) limp into frame, cane in hand, then suddenly falling forward and popping up like a spring chicken. This was only the beginning of one of the greatest manic and quirky performances ever brought to film. Then there is “Pure Imagination”…a song so beautiful and wondrous that it captures my imagination even today. Like Mr. Wonka says…“if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it”.

What is the paradise of this film that Wonka speaks of?

One of the most magical things about the film is the escapism that it can create for all of us. This story is one of escape. Charlie is a boy who has had to grow up way too fast. It is a shame to see any child have to take on the brunt of reality when it comes to their family. A child who must shirk the formative experiences of youth for a much more mature existence filled with work and responsibility. Charlie cannot be a selfish little jerk like his fellow contestant winners because he is too pure of heart and must be strong and selfless for the good of his family. A mother who is overworked and three bedridden grandparents (and no, I will not be counting you Grandpa Joe!) rely too heavily on this boy. But Charlie should be allowed to dream and imagine. He is so deserving of this journey into Wonka’s factory and there are plenty of children in the world whose lives are too real who can use that same journey.

We see Charlie dream and hope for one chance…just one chance to find wonderment beyond the hard life that he lives.

Beyond the themes that resonate so deeply from this film, what else brings a spark to this story?

Dahl is one of the most renowned children’s writers of all time and his unique darkness added a more poignant edge to his stories. You find some of that translating into the big-screen adaptation. Dahl was not a fan of the film but you can tell there are some more mature things going on. There are jokes that will certainly go over the heads of younger audiences and of course, there are dark aspects mostly centered around Wonka. Just look at the tunnel scene as Wonka reaches beyond the realm of deranged to cover the kids in a foreboding cloud and fear. I am certain there are plenty of kids who have had nightmares strictly from that scene. Wonka in general has a strange and darker edge to him and Wilder is masterful in that portrayal. His sarcasm is on point and provides added layers to the film. Throw in some sharp and clever humor that is delivered through fun interludes in the form of news broadcasts or cut scenes to adults around the world reacting to the golden tickets. These are the elements that draw me in more now as an adult than when I was a kid.

But there had to be plenty of pieces that worked to make this such a perennial classic for so many generations?

Egos and sins galore fill these characters making for some lasting fun as we see each and every one of them receive their just deserts.

Besides the amazing character that is Willy Wonka, we also get a fun cast of obnoxious children and their even more detestable parents.

Not only do we get to see these crazy and creative ways to punish the children, but we also get fun little musical numbers to go along with them. The Oompa Loompas are iconic additions to this film both entertaining and frightening children for decades. These unique and colorful characters have a memorable look and provide some fun songs and choreography. The songs in the film are fun at the worst and classic at the best. The sequences in the factory are so unique and imaginative in how much fun they are. But…I promise I will turn the rest of this article into an essay on why Grandpa Joe is the worst. But the real question is…should Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory live in a land of imagination and nostalgia?

Having watched this film countless times throughout my life and well into my 20’s, I still love it.

Is it nostalgia? Maybe…but there is plenty of magic in the fantasy adventure. Willy Wonka is a truly iconic character performed by one of the greatest comedic actors of all time. The music, the imagination, and the themes make this one a classic. As you grow up, you will find more cracks in your nostalgia (like your feelings towards Grandpa Joe…couldn’t resist) but it is certainly worth your time.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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